Search for the 6α condensed state in 24Mg using the 12C+12C scattering

Y. Fujikawa,T. Kawabata,S. Adachi, S. Enyo, T. Furuno, Y. Hijikata, K. Himi, K. Hirose, Y. Honda, K. Inaba, H. Makii, K. Miyamoto, M. Murata, K. Nishio, S. Okamoto,R. Orlandi, K. Sakanashi, F. Suzaki, S. Tsuji, K. Yahiro

Physics Letters B(2024)

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We searched for the 6α-condensed state in 24Mg by measuring the C12+12C scattering with the SAKRA Si detector array at Ecm=17.5–25.0 MeV. By using the invariant-mass method for the detected 3α particles, the inclusive cross sections for the C12+12C→12C(02+)+X and C12(31−)+X reactions were determined. In addition, the missing-mass spectroscopy was successfully utilized to determine the excitation energy of the residual C12 nucleus and the exclusive cross sections for the C12+12C→12C(02+)+12C(01+), C12(02+)+12C(21+), and C12(02+)+12C(02+) reactions. In both the inclusive C12(02+)+X channel and the exclusive C12(02+)+12C(01+) channel, the cross section peaked at Ecm=19.4 MeV, which correspond to the excitation energy of Ex=33.3 MeV in 24Mg. This 19.4-MeV state is a candidate for the 6α-condensed state because of the agreement of the excitation energy with the theoretical value and its decay property. In the exclusive C12(02+)+12C(02+) channel, a broad state was observed at Ecm=22.5 MeV, which correspond to the excitation energy of Ex=36.4 MeV in 24Mg. From the angular distribution of the differential cross section, the spin and parity of this 22.5-MeV state was assigned to be 4+. In addition, a 2+ state was suggested at the low-energy side of the 22.5-MeV state. Because their excitation energies are higher than the theoretical value of the 6α-condensed state, these states might be excited states of the 6α-condensed state such as the 22+ and 41+ states in C12.
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