Consumer willingness to purchase hydrogen fuel cell vehicles:A meta-analysis of the literature

Wei Wang, Jinzhong Li,Yanbin Li

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy(2024)

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Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs), as an important strategic path for global sustainable development and energy transition, have now become an important support for the global energy and transportation sectors. The United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, China, and other countries are vigorously developing HFCVs and increasing the construction of hydrogen stations. Before HFCVs enter the stage of rapid commercialization and devel-opment, it is necessary to investigate the factors that influence consumer HFCV adoption. In this paper, meta-analysis used 24 pieces of literature to include in a systematic evalu-ation of the existing research on the factors that influence consumer willingness to pur-chase HFCVs, setting influencing factors as the dependent variable, to clarify the specific roles of different influencing factors and to address the problem of mixed and contradic-tory findings in the literature. The results of the study show that: (1) The influence of gender and age on consumer willingness to purchase HFCVs cannot be judged. (2) Edu-cation, individual income, household income, family car number, driving range, knowl-edge, fuel availability, hydrogen refueling station density, environmental impact, policy incentives and attitudes all have a positive effect on HFCV adoption. (3) Household size, purchase price, fuel cost, maintenance cost and refueling time have a negative effect on HFCV adoption. (4) The purchase price, knowledge, fueling time, hydrogen refueling station density, and policy incentives significantly influence HFCV adoption. This paper provides new research methods and perspectives for the HFCV field and presents theoretical ref-erences for future governmental promotion of HFCV.(c) 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle,Meta -analysis,Consumer,Purchase intention
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