Quantitative proton radiography and shadowgraphy for arbitrary intensities


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Charged-particle radiography and shadowgraphy data can be directly inverted to obtain a line-integrated transverse Lorentz force or a line-integrated transverse refractive index gradient if intensity modulations due to scattering and absorption are negligible, and angular deflections are small. We develop a new direct-inversion algorithm based on plasma physics and compare it to a new Monge-Ampere code and an existing power diagram code (Kasim et al., 2017). The measured or source intensity is represented by electrons subject to drag, and the other intensity by fixed ions. The decrease in kinetic plus electrostatic energy determines convergence. The displacement of the electrons from their initial to their equilibrium positions determines the line-integrated force or refractive index gradient. We have implemented two approaches: PIC (particle in cell) and Lagrangian fluid, in 1-D and 2-D. The PIC code works for arbitrary intensities, can work efficiently in parallel, and can make use of existing codes. The Lagrangian code requires less memory and is faster than the PIC code without massively parallel processing, but fails in 2-D for large intensity modulations. The Monge-Ampere code is by far the fastest in 2-D, without massively parallel processing, but fails for intensities with large voids, high contrast ratios and large deflections across the boundaries, and could not obtain the degree of convergence possible with the PIC code. The power diagram code was by far the slowest and most memory intensive, and failed for large peaks in the measured intensity.
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Proton radiography,Charged-particle radiography,Shadowgraphy,Deflectometry,Direct inversion,Monge-Ampere,Optimal transport
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