Directly observing atomic-scale relaxations of a glass forming liquid using femtosecond X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy


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Glass forming liquids exhibit structural relaxation behaviors, reflecting underlying atomic rearrangements on a wide range of timescales. These behaviors play a crucial role in determining many material properties. However, the relaxation processes on the atomic scale are not well understood due to the experimental difficulties in directly characterizing the evolving correlations of atomic order in disordered systems. Here, taking the model system Ge15Te85, we demonstrate an experimental approach that probes the relaxation dynamics by scattering the coherent X-ray pulses with femtosecond duration produced by X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs). By collecting the summed speckle patterns from two rapidly successive, nearly identical X-ray pulses generated using a split-delay system, we can extract the contrast decay of speckle patterns originating from sample dynamics and observe the full decorrelation of local order on the sub-picosecond timescale. This provides the direct atomic-level evidence of fragile liquid behavior of Ge15Te85. Our results demonstrate the strategy for XFEL-based X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS), attaining femtosecond temporal and atomic-scale spatial resolutions. This twelve orders of magnitude extension from the millisecond regime of synchrotron-based XPCS opens a new avenue of experimental studies of relaxation dynamics in liquids, glasses, and other highly disordered systems.
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