A review for the impacts of circadian disturbance on urological cancers

Sleep and Biological Rhythms(2024)

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Circadian rhythm is an internal timing system and harmonizes a variety of cellular, behavioral, and physiological processes to daily environment. Circadian disturbance caused by altered life style or disrupted sleep patterns inevitably contributes to various disorders. As the rapidly increased cancer occurrences and subsequent tremendous financial burdens, more researches focus on reducing the morbidity rather than treating it. Recently, many epidemiologic studies demonstrated that circadian disturbance was tightly related to the occurrence and development of cancers. For urinary system, numerous clinical researches observed the incidence and progress of prostate cancer were influenced by nightshift work, sleep duration, chronotypes, light exposure, and meal timing, this was also proved by many genetic and fundamental findings. Although the epidemiological studies regarding the relationship between circadian disturbance and kidney/bladder cancers were relative limited, some basic researches still claimed circadian disruption was closely correlated to these two cancers. The role of circadian chemotherapy on cancers of prostate, kidney, and bladder were also explored, however, it has not been regularly recommended considering the limited evidence and poor standard protocols. Finally, the researches for the impacts of circadian disturbance on cancers of adrenal gland, penis, testis were not found at present. In general, a better understanding the relationship between circadian disturbance and urological cancers might help to provide more scientific work schedules and rational lifestyles which finally saving health resource by reducing urological tumorigenesis, however, the underlying mechanisms are complex which need further exploration.
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Key words
Circadian rhythm,Circadian disturbance,Circadian sleep disorder,Epidemiological and fundamental evidence,Urological cancer
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