Laser hair removal and vein ablation

Briana Paiewonsky, Gabriel J. Martínez-Díaz,Omer Ibrahim, Carolyn I. Jacob

Elsevier eBooks(2024)

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• Laser treatments are some of the most effective and minimally invasive options for removing unwanted hair and ablating veins. • Lasers function based on the principle of selective photothermolysis, in which the pigment in the hair (melanin) or in oxyhemoglobin in the blood vessel is heated to destroy the chromophore without overheating the surrounding tissues to avoid epidermal damage. • Lasers are selected based on wavelength, pulse duration, and depth of penetration to achieve the desired goal. • Cooling during laser pulses is required to reduce epidermal injury and associated adverse events such as change in pigmentation, burns, blister, and scar formation. • Laser hair removal and vein ablation is considered more effective than most other treatment options; however, they may still cause a rubber band snapping or pin prick-like sensation. • Expectations and goals of treatment should be discussed with the patient before undergoing any form of laser treatment. • Repeated sessions for clearance, and maintenance treatments for potential new veins, may be required to see and sustain the results of laser treatment. • Common side effects of laser treatment include erythema and edema. Complications of scarring and permanent pigmentation changes may occur, but there is decreased risk with patient-centered laser selection, proper cooling, and laser settings.
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