A Tremendous Green Roof or Biodiversity Museum? First Outcomes from Soil Survey in Zaryadye Park

Viacheslav Vasenev, Marya Korneykova, I.I. Krokhmal, E. V. Kozlova, Amélie Robert, Alexander S. Losev, D. A. Sarzhanov,Yulia L. Sotnikova, K. Makhinya, D. D. Gosse,Elvira A. Dovletyarova, М. Р. Нахаев

Springer geography(2023)

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Soils play a crucial role in functionality, sustainability and biodiversity of urban green infrastructuresUrban green infrastructures. Constructed TechnosolsTechnosols not only contribute to biodiversity by creating conditions for vegetation growth, but also are niches for microbial communities. This effect is especially important in botanical gardens and urban parks, where TechnosolsTechnosols aim to reconstruct the soil conditions typical for the plants from different biomes. In this research, TechnosolsTechnosols properties were studied in Zaryadye Park—a unique green area in the centre of Moscow city, where the diversity of bioclimatic zones ranging from tundra to subtropics was reproduced. Soil survey was carried out in summer 2022. In total, 36 locations from 9 aggregated biomes were visited: tundra (T), coniferous forest (CF), mixed forest (MF), deciduous forest (DF), steppe (S), floodplain (F), meadow (M), subtropical forest (SF) and urban greening (UG). At each location, both disturbed and non-disturbed sires were examined. Soil organic matterSoil organic matter (SOM) in TechnosolsTechnosols was significantly different between the biomes, whereas soil pH, P and K contents were similar. Physical disturbance from recreational load resulted in topsoil over-compaction with the highest bulk density above 1.5 g cm−3. Anthropogenic factors (e.g. urban heat island, aerial dust deposition and implementation of mineral fertilizers) resulted in mineralization of organic matters, shift in soil pH and phosphorous inputs decreased initial variability of soil properties, decreased their functionality and microbial diversityMicrobial diversity. Site-specific precise soil management followed by regular soil monitoring is needed to preserve biodiversity of the Zaryadye Park.
biodiversity museum,zaryadye park,tremendous green roof,soil survey
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