Exploratory Investigation of Scope Management for a BIM-enabled Construction Project

Ki Pyung Kim,Tony Ma, Bill St. John


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Despite the recommendation of the international BIM standard ISO 19650, the current scope management process and practice for a BIM-enabled project need to be improved for the full benefits of the BIM adoption. Due to a lack of clarity in BIM-enabled project scope definition and roles and responsibilities for project key participants, unnecessary reworks and various change orders are occurred in the project execution phase. To minimise reworks and improve productivity, it is essential to understand the status of BIM-enabled project scope management practice. However, the current practice of scope management in a BIM-enabled project environment has been rarely studied. Thus, the research aims to identify the current scope management practice for BIM-enabled construction projects via interviews. It is revealed that the current scope definition process fails to provide clear roles and responsibilities for a BIM manager and a project manager separately. Additionally, the disconnection between the PIM and AIM causes ineffectiveness of utilising lessons learned for scope definition. The research findings will contribute to providing insights to improve the current scope management practice more suitable for a BIM-enabled project.
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Key words
scope management,construction,bim-enabled
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