Corrigendum to ‘The effects of aqueous extract of Ocimum gratissimum on the cerebellum of male Wistar rats challenged by lead acetate’ [Clinical Nutrition Open Science 44 (2022) 28–41]

Clinical Nutrition Open Science(2023)

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The authors wish to correct the following.1.Affiliation Correction:a.UiT The Arctic University of Norway should be removed as one of the affiliations for this study.b.The research was conducted during the correspondence author's time at Novena University while working with colleagues at Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria (DELSU).c.Although UiT The Arctic University of Norway is the author's current affiliation when the manuscript was submitted, it should not be included in the study as the author did not conduct any part of the research there.2.Data Correction:a.The data were re-analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test was carried out for multiple comparison.b.The results indicate a significant difference in catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of rats in group 4 and group 5. We are also report a non-significant difference in purkinje cell count between group 1 and group 2 rats.c.The results of all analyses presented are significant at P < 0.05.3.Typographical Errors:a.Introduction:i.Page 30, paragraph 2, line 19: “Neuronal activity cells” is a typographical error.b.Biochemical Analysis:i.Page 31, paragraph 4, line 1: The Hippocampus was not included in this paper.c.Histological Procedures:i.Page 32, paragraph 3, line 5: The original paper did not include Hippocampus and H and E stained slides.d.Cytometry Analysis and Photomicrography:i.Page 32, paragraph 4, line 1: Cell diameter data were not presented. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused by these errors. The effects of aqueous extract of ocimum gratissimum on the cerebellum of male wistar rats challenged by lead acetateClinical Nutrition Open ScienceVol. 44PreviewLead acetate (LA) is a known toxicant, and its exposure in the environment has been on the increase in recent times, leading to oxidative stress and tissue damage. Based on this background, we investigated the role of the antioxidative properties of Ocimum gratissimum (OG), a potent medicinal plant, in ameliorating and protecting the brain from lead acetate-induced cerebellar damage via the assessment of oxidative stress parameters and brain histology. Full-Text PDF Open Access
cerebellum,lead acetate,ocimum gratissimum,male wistar rats,clinical nutrition open science
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