Urogenital System Disorders and Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals

CRC Press eBooks(2023)

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The urogenital or genitourinary system is composed of the organs of the urinary system and reproductive system. Its main function is to excrete waste from the body and to maintain reproductive health. There are many urogenital disorders that deteriorate the normal function of the human system, which simultaneously leads to impaired biological functions of the human body. Out of many diseases, diseases like urinary tract infections, dysmenorrhea, and premenstrual syndrome occur frequently. To treat these diseases many allopathic pharmacological medicines are available, giving good effects. But these medicines cause problems like antibiotic resistance, severe adverse effects and irreparable damage to the human body. Currently, to counter these problems, alternative therapy such as nutraceuticals and functional foods are gaining importance. Nutraceuticals can be termed to any normal food that provides pharmacological benefits of curing disease to the human body, and functional foods are dietary supplements that may provide additional therapeutic benefit with its normal nutritional value. In this chapter, we will present basic ideas about the urogenital tract and its diseases with their complete pharmacological profiles and with nonpharmacological treatments including nutraceuticals and functional foods such as blueberry, cranberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, omega-3 fatty acid, chasteberry, and many more.
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disorders,functional foods
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