Assessment of all types of laboratory errors in the tertiary care cardiac facility laboratory

Nadia Saeed,Sohail Ahmad, Seok Jun Moon, Mosin Saleem Khan, Abdul Basıt, M. A. Khan,Shoaib Khan, Wisal Muhammad Khan, Nasir Ali

Biological & clinical sciences research journal(2023)

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A prospective examination of laboratory errors was performed during three months from July to September 2019 at the Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC), a 272-bed tertiary care hospital serving the Punjab region and parts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The study aimed to thoroughly evaluate error incidence rates across the complete testing cycle, considering the pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases. During this time, nurses, physicians, and medical assistants from various hospital wards submitted samples and request forms to the clinical pathology laboratory at RIC. For a total of 17,917 patients, 73,540 tests were carried out. The overall observed laboratory error rate for the entire testing procedure (TTP) was 1.43%. Notably, pre-analytical mistakes made up the most significant percentage (0.82%), followed by post-analytical errors (0.51%) and analytical errors (0.10%). The data were carefully examined, and the results were presented using figures, charts, and tables to show the prevalence and magnitude of various mistake types. According to the distribution pattern, overall error rates had significantly decreased over the previous ten years. Despite this development, the largest error prevalence was still seen in the pre- and post-analytical processes. Interestingly, errors were frequently found during the pre- and post-analytical procedures outside the lab. To reduce the likelihood of mistakes, RIC undertook several initiatives, and the study highlighted these efforts, highlighting the significance of the laboratory testing procedure for mistake prevention throughout all testing phases.In addition to offering insightful information about the frequency of errors at RIC, this three-month descriptive analysis highlighted ongoing efforts to improve patient safety and lower laboratory errors. The observed gains over the past ten years are evidence of the success of adopted tactics. The results show how important it is to maintain constant watchfulness and employ methodical procedures to guarantee the accuracy and dependability of laboratory testing procedures, improving patient care and safety.
laboratory errors,assessment
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