When DNA can't help: The osteobiographical profile and stable isotope analysis as auxiliary tools for refining genealogical relationships, on the example of the Swéerts‐Sporck family


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Abstract Research into the family of the Counts Swéerts‐Sporck raised doubts regarding their biographical data, particularly concerning a child who died in 1817, later identified as Philipp Swéerts‐Sporck, and his siblings Joseph and Barbara. These were alleged to include a pair of dizygotic twins, but DNA could not be used to clarify their relationships. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes were therefore measured in their first permanent molars, whereas Philipp's biological age was estimated based on his skeleton. Philipp died at an older age than the written sources claim; an isotopic similarity was found between Joseph and Barbara, but Philipp differed.
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genealogical relationships,stable isotope analysis,osteobiographical profile,dna
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