Effects of a single strength training session on the peripheral concentrations of irisin in trained men

Larissa Ferreira, Marcos Antônio Borges, Gabriela Sanchez Nagata,Lucélia Scarabeli Silva Barroso, Heliana Barros Fernandes, Antonio Felipe Souza-Gomes,Aline Silva de Miranda,Albená Nunes-Silva

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Introduction: Strength training is recommended for improving muscle strength and performance. It is shown that endocrine mediators, such as irisin, mediate part of these benefits. However, the acute effects of strength training on peripheral concentrations of irisin remain poorly understood. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of a single strength training session on irisin plasma and urinary concentrations in trained adult men. Methods: Fourteen healthy men participated in a strength training program. The strength training protocol included bench press, 45° inclined leg press, and lat pulldown exercises, with four sets of repetitions maximum at 60% of the evaluated1RM, 120 seconds for intervals between sets and exercises. Blood samples were collected pre-, post, and 1h-post, while urine samples were collected pre and 1h-post and measured using the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Results: The results show that a strength training session at 60% of 1RM can increase plasma lactate concentration levels from 1.19 ± 0.38 to 15.69 ± 2.22 mmol/L. Furthermore, heart rate increased from 93.95 ± 10.87 to 126.80 ± 10.23 bpm, and perceived exertion (RPE) rating rose from 0 to 9.39 ± 0.80. No changes were observed in plasma and urine levels of irisin. Conclusion: A single bout of strength training can induce acute changes in physiological parameters; however, this stimulus does not affect plasma and urinary iris concentrations in adult men experienced in strength training.
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Key words
irisin,single strength training session,peripheral concentrations
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