Competitiveness Factors in Textiles and Composites Industry and Transformation into Value-Added Products


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The world economy is significantly impacted by the textile and composites business, which is well-established in many nations.Many variables, including production costs, technology, product quality, innovation, and sustainability, affect how competitive this sector is.An important aspect in the industry's growth is the conversion of these factors into goods with value added.The cost of production is one of the key competitiveness considerations in the textile and composites sector.The sector requires a lot of manpower, thus increasing production efficiency, cutting waste, and streamlining the supply chain can lower production costs.Technology is another important component since it makes it possible to produce high-quality items with better functionality and performance.Innovation is also essential for competitiveness because it enables businesses to set their products apart from those of rivals and adjust to shifting consumer demands.Sustainability is a crucial component because customers are wanting more environmentally friendly items.Businesses that use sustainable methods can cut expenses, boost productivity, and draw in eco-aware customers.The growth and success of the textiles and composites business depend on the ability to turn these competitiveness characteristics into products with value added.Value-added goods distinguish themselves from commodity goods by offering special characteristics, capabilities, and advantages.In turn, this enables businesses to charge higher prices and make bigger profits.
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composites industry,textiles,competitiveness,products,value-added
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