Evaluimi i dy teknikave të obturimit të kanalit të rrënjës së dhëmbit me ndihmën e mikro-tomografisë së kompjuterizuar – studim in vitro

Revista e Stomatologëve të Kosovës(2023)

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The main goal of endodontic therapy is the three-dimen- sional obturation of the endodontic space. Tendencies for ideal root canal preparation and its disinfection are com- promised if the canal is not completely obturated. The pur- pose of this study is to determine the percentage of the vol- ume of the spaces in the root canal of the tooth. obturated with different materials by microcomputer-tomography. In this study, 40 extracted frontal teeth were included. The teeth were divided into two groups according to the mate- rial used for obturation. The teeth after root canal prepara- tion according to the standard technique were obturated with Gutta-Flow and Thermafill. The teeth were analyzed by micro-CT. Statistical analysis showed that root canals obturated with GuttaFlow showed a higher percentage of gaps inside the obturation material, while root canals ob- turated with Thermafill have a higher percentage of spaces between the obturation material and the root canal wall.
vitro,rrënjës së,mikro-tomografis
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