P378 The value of a community of practice, within the CFHealthHub learning health system

T. Daniels,Marlene Hutchings, Steve Dawson, Sarah Farrell, R.D. Sandler, Silke Cameron, L.Y. Lai,J. Choyce, N. Pickering, Michael Dooney, E. Pilkington, C. Dowdell,Heather Morgan,Alan Anderson, Penny Galey, L. Warnock, Teneta Barnett,Michelle Thomas, H. Gledhill, William Dale, Lynne Barlow, K. Ballinger, Karen Lee,Nicola Robson,Zhe Hui Hoo,Martin J Wildman

Journal of Cystic Fibrosis(2023)

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A learning health system describes a team, provider or group of providers who develop learning from delivering routine health care in order to drive learning and improvement1Hardie T et al.Developing learning health systems in the UK: Priorities for action. The Health Foundation, 2022(https://doi.org/10.37829/HF-2022-I06)Crossref Google Scholar. CFHealthHub (www.cfhealthhub.com) is a learning health system designed to optimise CF care using quality improvement, digital data and tailored behaviour change interventions to optimise outcomes for people with CF, support treatment adherence and to deliver low-burden adherence research. A key aspect of CFHealthHub is a community of practice of CFHealthHub-trained clinicians at each of the 15 CFHealthHub CF centres delivering both clinical and research activities. To describe the feedback CFHealthHub-trained clinicians provided on the value of the community of practice. The CFHealthHub community of practice meet for an hour weekly, sharing knowledge and learning. One meeting focused on understanding clinicians’ perspectives of the value of these meetings. A virtual whiteboard with open questions, followed by group discussion, identified ideas and themes. Themes of feedback for the questions were: Tabled 1QuestionResponses/ThemesWhat do you find useful about the CoP meetings?Maintains motivation, community, sharing learning, staying informed.What could be improved?More quality improvement sharing and training, more centre-led meetings, more sub-projects, themed weeks.What to cover in future meetings?Post-modulator challenges and changes, CFHealthHub-clinicians' roles in other centres, behaviour change case studies, strategic updates, journal club, medicines optimisation and sustainability.Other thoughts and suggestions.Using effective meeting skills with roles is helpful, record meetings for non-attendees, circulate slides/resources after meetings, thanks for the enthusiasm, approachability and encouragement. Open table in a new tab Clinicians valued weekly community of practice meetings. The timetable for future meetings will include topics suggested in the feedback, such as journal club and encouraging different centres to share their specific experiences, challenges and solutions. The community of practice is a key aspect of delivering both the clinical and research functions of CFHealthHub and provides an exemplar for other multi-centre clinical and research programmes.
cfhealthhub system,community,learning
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