Using AAC Principles to Guide Language Instruction for Autistic Individuals

LR White, Maria Galassi, Loren F. McMahon,Anna A. Allen,Ralf W. Schlosser,Suzanne Flynn, C. T. Yu,Howard C. Shane

Routledge eBooks(2023)

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The objective of this case report is to demonstrate how a dynamic assessment approach may be utilized to identify appropriate augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools to support the expressive and receptive language skills among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who are minimally verbal. This case report details an AAC assessment for Jack, a four-year-old boy diagnosed with ASD and a mixed receptive-expressive language disorder. Specific strategies from the Visual Immersion System™ (VIS™), which is a treatment approach that utilizes the visual strengths of individuals with ASD, were identified and incorporated into Jack’s treatment. Jack’s case highlights the need to use a thorough, individualized assessment approach that includes identifying the level of symbolic representation prior to selecting appropriate AAC supports to facilitate continued development of receptive and expressive language for individuals with ASD.
guide language instruction,autistic individuals,aac principles
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