
Review of dynamic properties of wood

Проблемы прочности и пластичности(2023)

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This review considers the state of the art in the field of theoretical and experimental studies of dynamic deformation and destruction of wood materials. The orthogonal properties of wood, features of early and late wood are considered, the dynamic properties of wood are analyzed, as well as the influence of the strain rate during dynamic compression. It is noted that wood of different species is mainly used as one of the materials that dampen dynamic loads as a result of impacts or explosions. For example, it can mitigate the effects of high-velocity impacts on the contents of containers during the transport of hazardous materials by air, road and rail. It has been established that the cause of the effects of internal friction in wood are the areas of lignin, in which bundles of cellulose molecules (microfibrils) with a diameter of 25-30 nm are immersed, which are crystalline in their structure, which leads to viscoelastic behavior - internal damping. To improve the damping properties, it is recommended to choose wood with a low microfibril angle. It is noted that the stress-strain curve under dynamic compression of wood consists of three separate parts: the initial elastic region, the yield region and the compaction region. The main characteristics of compression, that is, the components of the stress-strain curve and the destruction of the fibers, do not depend on temperature. Young's modulus is much larger in the longitudinal direction than in the radial and tangential directions. The rate of deformation, temperature and humidity have a great influence on the strength properties of wood. The features of the mechanical behavior of the zones of early and late wood in the massif of a tree trunk are considered. Late wood is more rigid than early wood. As a result, differences in the mechanical properties of the wood fibers during compression may cause the early wood fibers to be destroyed while the late wood fibers remain intact. Due to the complexity of the wood structure, its reliable description by a numerical model requires complex models that take into account not only the influence of temperature, strain rate, and the type of stress-strain state, but also the angle between the direction of loading and the direction of wood fibers. Two main groups of wood material models are considered: micromechanical models simulating the details of the wood structure, and continuum models simulating the behavior of wood as a whole.
wood,dynamic properties
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