Using Modified Canberra Distance as OFN Numbers Comparison Operator

Lecture notes in networks and systems(2023)

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This paper deals with the problem of fuzzy numbers comparison. There are a number of approaches to solving this problem. The authors tried to successfully avoid solutions whose parts are defuzzifiers. Their goal was to propose a comparison operator that would operate intuitively on fuzzy numbers similarly to operators in other number systems. As a result of trials and experiments, the final choice was the Canberra distance metric. To apply this metric to fuzzy numbers, it was necessary to modify it slightly, which was successfully done. The experimental part of the paper provides calculations performed on numbers in OFN notation. Preliminary experiments conducted by the authors show that the proposed approach capes well also with other fuzzy number notations. This is, however, to be fully confirmed in further research works.
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ofn numbers comparison operator,modified canberra distance
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