Ocular Perfusion Pressure Response In Offspring Of Glaucoma Parents During Exercise

Daniel Godoy Martinez, Diana de Medeiros Andrade, G Melillo, Nicole Bragantini Larivoir, Marta Halfeld Ferrari Alves Lacordia,Mateus Camaroti Laterza

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise(2023)

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Offspring of glaucoma parents and low levels of intraocular pressure (IOP) and ocular perfusion pressure (OPP) may be associated with increased prevalence of glaucoma. The OPP response during exercise needs to be further investigated. PURPOSE: To evaluate OPP response in offspring of glaucoma parents during exercise. METHODS: Fifteen offspring of glaucoma parents (G+ Group, 34 ± 11 years) and thirteen offspring of without glaucoma parents (G-Group, 30 ± 7 years) matched by age were evaluated. Systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure (SBP, DBP and MBP) and heart rate (HR) were measured by the oscillometric method (Dixtal 2022) during 3 minutes of rest, 3 minutes of isometric handgrip at 30% maximal voluntary contraction and 3 minutes of recovery. IOP was evaluated at the end of rest, exercise and recovery (Goldmann applanation tonometry). The OPP was calculated: OPP = ((2/3 x mean blood pressure) - IOP)). Primary variables were subjected to two-way ANOVA (group vs. time). P value<0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: SBP, DBP and MBP increased during exercise in both groups. However, Group G+ showed lower values throughout the protocol when compared to Group G- (SBP: p time = 0.001; p group = 0.021; p interaction = 0.229; DBP: p time = 0.001; p group = 0.022; p interaction = 0.354; MBP: p time = 0.001; p group = 0.015; p interaction = 0.256). HR increased similarly in both groups (p time = 0.001; p group = 0.372; p interaction = 0.550). IOP in the right and left eyes increased similarly in both groups (p time = 0.001; p time = 0.001; p group = 0.875; p group = 0.632; p interaction = 0.962; p interaction = 0.950, respectively). OPP in the right and left eyes increased during exercise in G+ group and G- group (right eye; rest: 40 ± 4 vs. 47 ± 5; exercise: 52 ± 8 vs 58 ± 9; recovery: 42 ± 7 vs. 46 ± 5 mmHg, p time = 0.001, respectively; left eye: rest: 40 ± 3 vs. 47 ± 5; exercise: 52 ± 8 vs. 58 ± 8; recovery: 42 ± 6 vs. 45 ± 6 mmHg, p time = 0.001, respectively), however, Group G+ presented lower values when compared to Group G- throughout the experimental protocol (p group = 0.012; p interaction = 0.225 and p group = 0.009; p interaction = 0.285, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The OPP increased in offspring of glaucoma parents during exercise, however, with significantly lower values when compared to the offspring without glaucoma parents.
glaucoma parents,ocular perfusion pressure response
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