Data Representation with No-Code Augmented Reality Authoring Tools

Springer series in design and innovation(2023)

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This study is framed within information design and focuses on data representation using augmented reality (AR) and its appropriation by designers. The need to investigate no-code AR authoring tools was motivated by the conclusions drawn during the development of “Floating Companies” AR prototype, which highlight the limited access of designers without programming skills to this technology. We intend to identify the limitations of no-code tools regarding development platforms, such as Unity, and represent data with no-code tools. The methodology used entails three phases—the collection and characterization of no-code AR tools; the review of its limitations regarding the development milestones in FLOC; and the proposal of data representation based on no-code tools. The AR tools landscape offers several free platforms which do not require programming skills. It was found that the analyzed tools do not support algorithmic data representation, which forces any representation to be designed manually in a customized way, presenting limitations regarding the amount of data, but also opportunities. The type of project that no-code platforms support falls within the concept of communicative visualization—a type of visualization that does not intend to deeply analyze the data, but rather to communicate and engage public.
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