Defining Requirements for a BIM-Enabled Learning Environment

Emlyn Witt, Kalle Kähkönen, Marcantonio Bragadin

Springer proceedings in business and economics(2023)

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DigitalizationDigitalization is transforming the real estateReal estate and construction (REC) sector and a key feature of this transformation is Building Information Modelling (BIM). BIM offers opportunities for improving education and training through data-rich virtual environments in which project-based learning experiences can be designed and delivered. This could lead to considerable changes and improvements to the education and training of different professionals in the REC sector from managers to site workers. Researchers at Tallinn University of Technology, Tampere University, and the University of Bologna are currently developing a BIM-enabled LearningBIM-enabled learning Environment (BLE) with the intention of providing more realistic, immersive, and integrated learning experiences. A desk study identifying existing initiatives, mapping the educational-technological systems in the partner universities, and analyzing existing BIM-enabled learningBIM-enabled learning experiences at each partner university revealed an initial list of functional requirements for a BLE. This list was elaborated through 31 interviews of REC stakeholdersStakeholders in the three partner countries. A validation workshop was then held to confirm the relevance of the identified functional requirements, rank them in terms of their relative importance and identify any missing requirements. The resulting, validated functional requirements were then presented to technical experts at each of the universities for recommendations on how these functions could be technically delivered in the context of a BLE. Analysis of their feedback suggests a system design comprising a host platform based on a Learning Management System (LMS) installation with additional collaborationCollaborations tools and further integrations with (open) BIM solutions to enable course-specific BIM functionalities. This research relates to Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable developments Goals (SDGs) 4-Quality Education, as the BLE is intended to enhance education and training possibilities in the REC sector and 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities, as the result of improved REC education and training will lead to a more sustainable Built Environment.
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