${i}$ terative ${w}$

Energy-Efficient Power Allocation Maximization for Multi-User MIMO Broadcast Channel.

IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun.(2024)

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This paper proposes an ${i}$ terative ${w}$ ater- ${f}$ illing algorithm (IWF) for the ${e}$ nergy- ${e}$ fficiency (EE) maximization problem of the multi-user ${m}$ ultiple- ${i}$ nput and ${m}$ ultiple- ${o}$ utput (MIMO) ${b}$ roadcast ${c}$ hannel (BC). This algorithm is termed as IWF-EE-BC and has two levels of operations. The inner level computes solutions, by an algorithm, is named as ${w}$ ater- ${f}$ illing for the EE of the BC, which is implemented within a single iteration, with the short name: WF-EE-BC1. The solutions by WF-EE-BC1 are the optimal solutions of the auxiliary energy-efficiency maximization problems. Each term of the added throughput part in these auxiliary problems is decoupled in power variables for all users. Then the outer level determines when to output a good solution to the considered problem, based on the results obtained by the inner level. The considered problem has complex-valued matrix optimization variables, beyond the range of the optimization problems whose optimization variables are often real-valued variables. Particularly, it is a ${s}$ emi- ${d}$ efinite ${o}$ ptimization problem (SDO) with a more complicated form of the objective function, over the field of complex numbers. Since existing results on optimization algorithms, including SDO ones, cannot guarantee convergence of IWF-EE-BC, the novel fixed point method is designed and used. Overcoming these difficulties, this paper obtains convergence of IWF-EE-BC, with efficiency.
Broadcast channel (BC),complex-valued matrix optimization variables,energy-efficient (EE),multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO),non-linear fractional optimization,optimal power allocation
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