Intelligent edge CDN with smart contract-aided local IoT sharing

High-Confidence Computing(2024)

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A content delivery network (CDN) aims to reduce the content delivery latency to end-users by using distributed cache servers. Nevertheless, deploying and maintaining cache servers on a large scale is very expensive. To solve this problem, CDN providers have developed a new content delivery strategy: allowing end-users’s IoT edge devices to share their storage/bandwidth resources. This new edge CDN platform must address two core questions: (1) how can we incentivize end users to share IoT devices? (2) how can we facilitate a safe and transparent content transaction environment for end users? This paper introduces SmartSharing, a new content delivery network solution to address these questions. In smartSharing, the over-the-top (OTT) IoT devices belonging to end-users are used as mini-cache servers. To motivate end users to share the idle devices and storage/bandwidth resources, SmartSharing designs the content delivery schedule and the pricing scheme based on game theory and machine learning algorithms (specifically, a tailored Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm). To facilitate content trading among end users, SmartSharing creates a secure and transparent transaction platform based on smart contracts in Ethereum. In addition, SmartSharing’s performance evaluation is through trace-driven simulations in the real world and a prototype using content metadata and the achieved pricing schemes. The evaluation results show that CDN providers, end users and content providers can all benefit from our SmartSharing framework.
CDN over edge IoT,Game theory,EM algorithm,Smart contracts
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