Exploring the Obstacles EFL Learners Encounter in Classroom Oral Participation from the Perspective of Tertiary Level Instructors

Abdulrhman Musabal,Mohammed AbdAlgane

Journal of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture(2023)

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English as a foreign language (EFL) instruction places special emphasis on students' active participation in class discussions. EFL learners encounter obstacles which prevent them from oral participation in the classroom. The purpose of this research is to discover why EFL students are not more engaged in class, as well as recognizing factors that impede students’ class engagement. Moreover, the study aims at casting the light on the Techniques and Strategies for Enhancing Students Participation. Data was gathered through an interview in this descriptive-analytical study and analyzed using SPSS. The samples of the study consist of forty EFL professors from two Saudi universities. Findings from the study urged educators to help their students form positive self and social perceptions. Better class participation can be achieved through good rapport and the enhancement of the targeted teaching practices. The study concludes that EFL students are often disinclined to be engaged in oral class participation due to a mélange of a poorly managed classroom, language anxiety, and lack of vocabulary.
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classroom oral participation,obstacles efl learners encounter
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