Distribution Route Optimization Using Floyd-Warshall Weighted Graph Analysis Algorithm with Google Maps Integration in Industry 4.0 Context

EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing(2023)

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In this chapter, a sustainable supply chain optimization tool for determining the shortest routes between all pairs of locations in a path network, using nodes and vertices for location and path modeling, respectively, is presented under the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. The optimization tool integrates the Google Maps platform to provide the recommended supply chain route in the context of transportation and distribution between all pairs of locations, considering distance and travel time once the route is calculated. Optimally, the information is shared through an intelligent communication device. Continuous communication between software and hardware is integrated into the context of Industry 4.0. It allows to modify routes in any node of the network by the user responsible for the route planner and provides a new optimal route, with the following results for manufacturing operations: optimization of transportation costs, reduction of delivery times, reduction of waste, better fuel economy, and lower atmospheric emissions by optimizing vehicle use.
google maps integration,graph,algorithm,floyd-warshall
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