Influence of laser spot size on structure and properties of high-temperature CompoNIAL-M5-3 alloy produced by selective laser melting

Yu. Yu. Kaplanskii, М. И. Агеев,M. Ya. Bychkova, А. А. Фадеев, Е. А. Левашов

Известия высших учебных заведений. Черная металлургия(2023)

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The CompoNiAl-M5-3 high-temperature alloy based on nickel monoaluminide was obtained by selective laser melting (SLM) of a spheroidized powder with particle size in the range of 20 – 45 μm. The powder was manufactured using an integral technology including self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), briquette grinding, sieve and air classification followed with spheroidization of powder particles in a thermal plasma flow and ultrasonic purification of spheroidized particles from nanofraction. Using parametric studies, the SLM modes were tested on SLM 280H and TruPrint 1000 machines. Mechanical tests of the samples were carried out using the uniaxial compression scheme with the strain rate d ε/ dt = 10 –4 s –1 in the temperature range 1023 – 1273 K. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy methods were used to study the influence of laser spot size on the evolution of microstructure and thermomechanical properties of the SLM-consolidated material in comparison with that obtained by hot isostatic pressing (HIP). The authors established the effect of HIP + HT (aging in vacuum) post-treatment on the structure and mechanical properties of the material. The yield strength at 1073 K of the alloy built on the additive machine with a laser spot diameter of 38 μm after SLM + HIP + HT was 500 MPa, which exceeded the yield strength of the HIP-samples by 220 MPa.
selective laser melting,laser spot size,alloy,high-temperature
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