UV luminosity density results at z > 8 from the first JWST/NIRCam fields: limitations of early data sets and the need for spectroscopy

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(2023)

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We have derived luminosity functions, and set constraints on the UV luminosity and SFR density from z~17 to z~8, using the three most-studied JWST/NIRCam data sets, the SMACS0723, GLASS Parallel, and CEERS fields. We first used our own selections on two independent reductions of these datasets using the latest calibrations. 18 z~8, 12 z~10, 5 z~13, and 1 z~17 candidate galaxies are identified over these fields in our primary reductions, with a similar number of candidates in our secondary reductions. We then use these two reductions, applying a quantitative discriminator, to segregate the full set of z>~8 candidates reported over these fields from the literature, into three different samples, ``robust,'' ``solid,'' and ``possible''. Using all of these samples we then derive UV LF and luminosity density results at $z\geq8$, finding substantial differences. For example, including the full set of ``solid'' and ``possible'' z>~12 candidates from the literature, we find UV luminosity densities which are ~7x and ~20x higher than relying on the ``robust'' candidates alone. These results indicate the evolution of the UV LF and luminosity densities at z>~8 is still extremely uncertain, emphasizing the need for spectroscopy and deeper NIRCam+optical imaging to obtain reliable results. Nonetheless, even with the very conservative ``robust'' approach to selections, both from our own and those of other studies, we find the luminosity density from luminous (M(UV)<-19) galaxies to be ~2x larger than is easily achievable using constant star-formation efficiency models, similar to what other early JWST results have suggested.
spectroscopy,uv,early data sets
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