Enhanced negation handling for sentiment analysis on Twitter using deep neural networks

Mamatha Mylarappa, Shiva Kumar B. N,J Thriveni, Venugopal K. Rajuk

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(2023)

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Sentiment analysis is a tool to identify and measure the emotion in a piece of text. Negation handling is an important aspect of natural language processing (NLP) for Twitter data. It is a process of correctly interpreting the sentences containing negation words, such as, "never", "no", "neither" and so on. Negation words are used in machine learning to express negative sentiment or indicate the absence of something. In this article, a negation handling technique using deep learning models. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for classification is proposed. The system is evaluated on SemEval-2017 dataset. The classification performance is improved by using ANN and CNN on the negative tweets. The study aims to improve the classification accuracy by considering negation words in the text. The paper compares the performance of ANNs and CNNs in handling negation words and evaluates them on the tweets data. This study provides insights into the effectiveness of using deep learning techniques for negation handling in sentiment analysis and highlights the importance of considering negation words in the text for improved sentiment analysis performance. The proposed negation strategy attains a superior performance accuracy over machine learning models by preventing misclassified tweets.
sentiment analysis,negation,deep neural networks,twitter
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