Advancing science, technology and innovation for disaster risk reduction: The Kuala Lumpur Consensus on Disaster Risk Reduction

Warta geologi(2023)

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The Kuala Lumpur Consensus on Disaster Risk Reduction was the outcome of the 2020 Asia Pacific Science and Technology Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (APSTCDRR), documenting renewed commitment to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in four priority areas, drawing on multi-disciplinary knowledge including geoscience. The 2020 APSTCDRR offered an opportunity for science-policy interfacing to enhance the appropriate role of science, technology and innovation, facilitate the inclusion of empowered young scientists, and accentuate the integration of risk from all perspectives into planning and development at all levels. Highlights of the 2020 APSTCDRR include the status of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the Asia Pacific, and means of addressing systemic risk including Natural Hazards Triggering Technological Disasters (NATECH) and its associated shortcomings in the region. There was also focus on climate risk and local action spotlighting the Kuala Lumpur Multi-hazard Platform, as well as youth engagement in science and technology through U-INSPIRE Alliance, an alliance of young professionals in DRR. Many of the initiatives showcased in the 2020 APSTCDRR are of relevance to the geoscience community, to strengthen their role in DRR in Malaysia and the region.
disaster risk reduction,kuala lumpur consensus,technology
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