Saúde ambiental in loco: estratégias iniciais para uma educação científica

Revista Conexão UEPG(2023)

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This article describes the execution of the extension event "Environmental Health in the Borborema Potiguar Microregion: Perspectives in Health, Education and the Environment", aiming to evaluate it as an initial strategy for promoting a scientific education that explores the interactions between human health and the environment to from a theme in loco. To this end, training activities were carried out with the target audience, undergraduate students and basic education teachers. Subsequently, this knowledge was disseminated through a mini-event for a third audience, basic education students. The results obtained reveal the effectiveness of the implemented actions in boosting the conceptual evolution and stimulating a greater perception and discussion about the environmental health theme. It was also noticed that on-the-spot approaches offer consistent educational potential and benefits. Furthermore, the extension event modality, combined with teaching and research, proved to be strong tool in the development of initial strategies to promote scientific education. KEYWORDS: Teaching Strategy; Basic Education; Human Health; Environment; Local Themes.
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