Average Error Probability for UAV-RIS Enabled Short Packet Communications.

IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.(2024)

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This paper analyzes the performance of an aerial-empowered reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) aided communication system under finite channel blocklength. Firstly, we establish the system model of the UAV-RIS enabled short packet communication system and derive closed-form approximations for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the received signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of the ground user using a moment matching method. The approximation results match the simulation results very well under various conditions, providing simple method for and shedding light on performance evaluation for practical system. Secondly, we derive the average error probability of the UAV-RIS enabled short packet communication system in closed-form expressions, present the asymptotic analysis in the regime of high SNR and a large number of RIS elements and discuss the impact of transmit power and number of RIS elements on system performance, which provides insights into energy-efficient and cost-effective system design. Finally, we conduct Monte Carlo simulations to confirm the accuracy of our analytical and asymptotic results
Unmanned aerial vehicle,reconfigurable intelligent surface,short packet communications
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