Investigating cohesive sediment dynamics in open waters via grain-resolved simulations


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Cohesive particulate flows play an important role in environmental fluid dynamics, as well as in a wide variety of civil and process engineering applications. However, the scaling laws, constitutive equations and continuum field descriptions governing such flows are currently less well understood than for their non-cohesive counterparts. Grain-resolved simulations represent an essential tool for addressing this shortcoming, along with theoretical investigations, laboratory experiments and field studies. Here we provide a tutorial introduction to simulations of fine-grained sediments in viscous fluids, along with an overview of some representative insights that this approach has yielded to date. After a brief review of the key physical concepts governing van der Waals forces as the main cohesive effect for subaqueous sediment suspensions, we discuss their incorporation into particle-resolved simulations based on the immersed boundary method. We subsequently describe simulations of cohesive particles in several model turbulent flows, which demonstrate the emergence of a statistical equilibrium between the growth and break-up of aggregates. As a next step, we review the influence of cohesive forces on the settling behaviour of dense suspensions, before moving on to submerged granular collapses. Throughout the article, we highlight open research questions in the field of cohesive particulate flows whose investigation may benefit from grain-resolved simulations.
cohesive sediment dynamics,open waters,simulations,grain-resolved
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