Functional fine-tuning of Colleges and Universities and the Cultivation of Innovative Talents Enabling the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Geng Zhao,Xuying Zhao, Jiapeng Lou, Zhonghui Bian

Advances in Education Humanities and Social Science Research(2023)

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In order to avoid the disconnection between talent training and social needs and enable the fourth industrial revolution, social development has put forward new requirements for university education, and points to the training of innovative talents who master high-tech knowledge and modern management ability. This paper puts forward teaching, scientific research and social service, which are three functions of colleges and universities, must be developed around whether is beneficial to the cultivation of innovative talents . Colleges and universities should make the three functions of fine-tuning. "Scientific research " and "service society" function, they will play roles under the heads of " talent training" which is the basic tasks of colleges and universities.That is: trinity focus on cultivating innovative talents. At the same time, three specific measures are put forward to set up innovative thinking and innovative methods teaching and practice courses. Trinity of talent training and scientific research and society service should provide practice and ability training. Primary and secondary schools should recognize the importance of innovation in advance, establish feelings of devotion to family and country, cultivate innovative consciousness, and form a chain of innovative talent training mode in the whole society.
innovative talents,universities,colleges,cultivation,fine-tuning
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