Green synthesized nanonutrients for sustainable crop growth

Elsevier eBooks(2023)

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Nanotechnology is a fast-growing field as it has vast area of applications in physiochemical as well as biological science. The method of synthesis of nanoparticles has very big impact on their properties. Therefore, researchers are having very keen interest in the different method of synthesis of nanomaterials and their application. Out of physical, chemical, and microbial synthesis the green synthesized nanoparticles are cost-effective, easy to produce, have no hazardous impacts on surrounding as well as on the human and animals. The mostly used metal oxide nanoparticles are Ag (silver), Au (gold), Zn (zinc), Pb (lead), Cu (copper), Cd (cadmium), Ce (cerium) and so on in different areas. Nanoparticles have very significant role in agriculture as well, in disease suppression and crop growth. The relationship between plant nutrition and disease suppression makes them more promising tool to be used in agriculture. Zinc (Zn), boron (B), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), copper (Cu), and chlorine (Cl) are an essential nanonutrient required by the plant for healthy crop growth. The antifungal potential of these metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, etc.) has been reported in various studies. Therefore, nutrients can be supplied in the form of nanoparticles in agricultural sector that can suppress the disease and increase the crop growth. This chapter deals with the green synthesized nanomaterials, various essential nanonutrients and their role in agriculture reported till date.
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