UNRES-GPU for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of protein systems at biological time- and size-scales


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The UNited RESisdue (UNRES) package for coarse-grained simulations, which has recently been optimized to treat large protein systems, has been implemented on Graphical Processor Units (GPUs). An over 100-time speed-up of the GPU code (run on an NVIDIA A100) with respect to the sequential code and an 8.5 speed-up with respect to the parallel Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) code (run on 32 cores of 2 AMD EPYC 7313 Central Processor Units (CPUs)) has been achieved for large proteins (with size over 10 000 residues). Due to the averaging over the fine-grain degrees of freedom, 1 time unit of UNRES simulations is equivalent to about 1000 time units of laboratory time; therefore, millisecond time scale of large protein systems can be reached with the UNRES-GPU code.The source code of UNRES-GPU along with the benchmarks used for tests is available at https://projects.task.gda.pl/eurohpcpl-public/unres.
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Key words
protein systems,simulations,unres-gpu,physics-based,coarse-grained,size-scales
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