Analysis of endoglucanases production using metatranscriptomics and proteomics approach.

Advances in protein chemistry and structural biology(2023)

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The cellulases are among the most used enzyme in industries for various purposes. They add up to the green economy perspective and cost-effective production of enterprises. Biorefineries, paper industries, and textile industries are foremost in their usage. The production of endoglucanases from microorganisms is a valuable resource and can be exploited with the help of biotechnology. The present review provides some insight into the uses of endoglucanases in different industries and the potent fungal source of these enzymes. The advances in the enzyme technology has helped towards understanding some pathways to increase the production of industrial enzymes from microorganisms. The proteomics analysis and systems biology tools also help to identify these pathways for the enhanced production of such enzymes. This review deciphers the use of proteomics tools to analyze the potent microorganisms and identify suitable culture conditions to increase the output of endoglucanases. The review also includes the role of quantitative proteomics which is a powerful technique to get results faster and more timely. The role of metatranscriptomic approaches are also described which are helpful in the enzyme engineering for their efficient use under industrial conditions. Conclusively, this review helps to understand the challenges faced in the industrial use of endoglucanases and their further improvement.
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metatranscriptomics,proteomics approach
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