P146 COVID-19 pandemic in the Belgian cystic fibrosis patients compared with the international cystic fibrosis patients and the general Belgian population

G. Daneau, S. Situma Wanyama,Kim Van Hoorenbeeck

Journal of Cystic Fibrosis(2023)

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The study compared the impact of the COVID pandemic on the Belgian people with Cystic Fibrosis (pwCF) with the international pwCF and the general Belgian population. pwCF followed in a Belgian CF center were eligible. Their demographic and clinical outcome data was compared with the international pwCF (Carr et al, JCF 2022) and with the general Belgian population (epistat.sciensano.be/covid). CF registry annual data collections for 2020 and 2021 included if a test was performed for SARS-CoV-2 (by any specific method), and the respective result. Details on COVID symptoms and treatment were collected separately in a form from Global CF. Among the 1392 pwCF seen in 2020 and/or 2021, over half of the pwCF were tested for SARS CoV-2 (51% in 2020, 59% in 2021), similar for pwCF with or without a transplant (57% vs 54%). With similar positivity rate with or without transplant (13%), 179 pwCF had a positive result either in 2020 (50) or 2021 (141). This positivity rate was higher than in the general Belgian population (8.6%). Compared to the international pwCF, Belgian pwCF presented with more risk factors (transplant, age). Details and outcome are showed in tables below. Belgian pwCF infected by SARS-CoV-2 tended to be less hospitalized but have more deaths than the international pwCF, in line with a higher transplant rate. While pwCF were on average younger, hospitalization was more frequent than for the general Belgian population, but death only if transplanted.
belgian cystic fibrosis patients,international cystic fibrosis patients
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