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Influence of Integrated Use of Organic Manures and Inorganic Fertilizers on Physio-chemical Properties of Soil and Yield of Kharif Maize in Coarse Loamy Typic Haplustept Soil

Indian journal of agricultural research(2023)

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Background: Maize is one of the best cereal crop as it is also known as “Queen of cereals” by giving good taste, having more hybrid varieties, good production and price also. But to make maize best cereal well fertile and neutral soil is important. In the several previous years tthere was good soil, plant and environment relationship but due to passing the time soil health was deteriorated by using the more amount of inorganic fertilizers (beyond the limit). The insect pest attack was also increased due to uses of more amount of fertilizers. Soil becomes topic in nature and most of the inorganic chemical leached down and mixed with the water table. Material: The two year field experiment was conducted at experimental farm at Lovely Professional University Phagwara Punjab during the kharif season 2019- 2020 to study the influence of integrated use of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on physio-chemical properties of soil and yield of kharif maize in coarse loamy Typic Haplustept soil with 8 treatments treatments T1- Control, T2 - RDF (125:60:30) kg ha-1, T3- RDF +10 ton farmyard manure ha-1, T4- 75% RDF + 10 ton farm yard manure ha-1+ Vermicompost @2 ton/ha, T5-75% RDF +10 ton farmyard manure ha-1, T6- 50% RDF +10 ton farm yard manure + vermicompost@2 ton ha-1 + azotobacter ha-1, T7-50% RDF +15 ton of farmyard manure +azotobacter ha-1, T8-25 % RDF + azotobacter + vermicompost@ 2 ton ha-1 in RBD design with 3 replications. Result: The soil pH was found highest in T2 (RDF (125:60:30) kg ha-1) (7.8) whereas highest EC was found in T6 (50% RDF +10 ton farm yard manure + vermicompost@2 ton ha-1 + azotobacter ha-1) (0.27 dsm-1). The highest bulk density found under T1 (Control) ( 2.02 gcm-3) and porosity was highest in T8 (25 % RDF + azotobacter + vermicompost@ 2 ton ha-1) (37.96%). In T6 (50% RDF +10 ton farm yard manure + vermicompost@2 ton ha-1 + azotobacter ha-1), the highest amount of Nitrogen (412.3 kgh-1), phosphorus (67.77 kgh-1), potassium (884.3 kgh-1) and organic carbon (0.567%) was found. In terms of yield parameters, the grain yield (4223 kgh-1), straw yield (6266 kgh-1), harvest index (41.53%) and 1000- seed weight (366.86gms) was found highest in T6 ((50% RDF +10 ton farm yard manure + vermicompost@2 ton ha-1 + azotobacter ha-1). There are significant difference in all the treatements with respect to the physio-chemical properties of soil and yield paramters of maize.
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Key words
inorganic fertilizers,kharif maize,soil,organic manures,physio-chemical
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