Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless Systems Using Computer Vision Methods

D. N. V. S. L. S. Indira, M. Sobhana, M. Sitha Ram,Rajendra Kumar Ganiya,J. Nageswara Rao, Afework Aemro Berhanu

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing(2023)

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Ad hoc network nodes are aggregate data packet from different environment; there is multiple path communication causing the sudden energy depletion in network. This type of energy loss can lead to failure of connectivity between the two intermediate nodes. If link gets failure, then it has frequent loss of data packets. Less energy nodes do not classify data from the network structure. It reduces packet delivery ratio and increases the energy consumption. The proposed cross-layer method for data agglomeration (CLA) is designed to organize the data packet frequently among the various communication routes; the nodes in the path can able to proceed packet organization for the support of cross-layer scheme. Magnificent path discovery algorithm is constructed to offer the better packet collection route to target node. This process uses multisource node with multiple path for packet transmission in network. It minimizes the energy consumption and increases the packet delivery ratio. The simulation parameters are delay, detection efficiency, energy consumption, network lifetime, and packet delivery ratio.
wireless systems,computer vision methods,optimization,cross-layer
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