Augmenting OAuth 2.0 for securing Internet of Things

Sheetal Kalra, Jyoti Kumari, Amit Chhabra

Authorea (Authorea)(2023)

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Internet of things(IoT) has made human life more convenient by adding millions of devices.As the number of smart devices increases so is the concern towards security of these devices as well as towards the systems attached to these devices. OAuth is widely used authentication and authorization protocol used on the internet.This article makes augmentation in OAuth by proposing personal authorization server.It provides secure access to the information on IoT devices. The smartphone that communicate with the servers to transmit information on IoT devices can be the OAuth authorization server. Personal OAuth proposed by this article issues the access token when OAuth authorization server registers with the client firstly. Personal authorization server is very much trustworthy than third party. It makes a secure IoT environment. Performance of the proposed scheme is measured in terms of processing time in seconds and gives very good results.
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