Iterative space-angle discontinuous Galerkin method for radiative transfer equation

Waves in Random and Complex Media(2023)

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AbstractThe radiative transfer equation (RTE) is an integro-differential equation that describes the radiation energy absorbing, emitting, and scattering in both space and angle, which can be up to five-dimensional problems. It is difficult for a RTE solver to satisfy both accuracy and efficiency (less computational resources) for such high dimensional problems. In this paper, an iterative solver for one-dimensional cylindrical radiative transfer problems using the space-angle discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method is developed to achieve both accuracy and efficiency. The iterative solver is based on the angular decomposition (AD) scheme, which slices the spatial-angular domain into slabs and decouples the angular integration between slabs. Both Jacobi and successive over-relaxation (SOR) iterative schemes are investigated by numerical analysis and examples. The comparison of the two iterative schemes suggests that an appropriate relaxation factor for the SOR method may accelerate the convergence. Finally, the iterative scheme is more efficient than the direct solution of the system both in terms of memory usage and computational time, especially for finer meshes.Keywords: Radiate transfer equationdiscontinuous galerkinspace-angleiterative schemejacobi methodsuccessive over-relaxation methodangular decomposition Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
discontinuous galerkin method,space-angle
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