Nature Inspired Data Dissimination Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Moazam Ali, Sahibzada Muhammad Ali

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network composed of small sensor nodes, a base station, and a data center. Its purpose is to collect and monitor various environmental or system conditions such as humidity, temperature, air quality, and more. However, as the usage of wireless sensor networks technology continues to expand, WSN faces numerous challenges. One of the primary challenges faced by WSNs is the limited energy resources of the sensor nodes. Due to this limitation, energy efficiency becomes a critical concern, and finding ways to optimize energy consumption becomes necessary. Additionally, the routing methods in wireless sensor networks can be complex and require sophisticated algorithms to ensure effective communication between nodes. The concept of smart cities introduces a new layer of challenges for WSNs. Smart cities integrate various systems and components to enhance the living environment for citizens. However, this integration introduces challenges such as managing and providing services to users in the smart city environment, ensuring the security of smart city networks , and dealing with the high mobility of nodes within the network. Designing a comprehensive solution for smart cities involves addressing several other critical factors, including data security, efficient data handling, heterogeneity (the presence of diverse devices and technologies), sustainability, and analysis of the vast amounts of data generated by the smart city infrastructure. To tackle these complex issues, researchers have turned to nature-inspired optimization solutions. These solutions draw inspiration from nature, which has proven to be a reliable source for addressing complex problems. Nature-inspired optimization techniques 1 leverage the principles observed in natural systems and phenomena to develop efficient algorithms and protocols. One area where nature-inspired optimization techniques can be applied is in the design of routing protocols for wireless sensor networks. These protocols aim to optimize the utilization of limited network resources while ensuring reliable and efficient data transmission between sensor nodes. Another area of focus is load balancing in high-speed networks. Load balancing techniques distribute the network traffic evenly across nodes to prevent congestion and maximize network performance. Nature-inspired optimization methods can be used to develop intelligent load balancing algorithms that adapt to dynamic network conditions. By leveraging nature-inspired optimization solutions, researchers can address the intricate and evolving challenges posed by smart cities and complex network systems. These solutions pave the way for the development of intelligent systems and novel optimization techniques, providing valuable insights and opportunities for new researchers to explore the potential of nature-inspired approaches.
wireless sensor networks,protocol,data
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