9 Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)-based functionalized thin film coating for corrosion protection

P. R. Rajimol,Sarah B. Ulaeto, Ben John, T.P.D. Rajan

De Gruyter eBooks(2023)

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Among the various corrosion protection methods, the use of corrosion inhibitors in coatings is the most effective and commonly used method. MOFs are a relatively new class of hybrid systems containing metal ions and organic ligands with exceptional surface area and porous nature. Many factors like the hetero atom density, high crystallinity, versatile and tunable porous nature, wide range of compositions, high surface area, stability, etc., make MOFs ideal for corrosion inhibition applications. They are potential candidates to be used as corrosion inhibitors in different ways, like dispersed in corrosive media, as a container for loading other inhibitors, as thin films deposited on the metal surface, and incorporated in the polymer matrix. Among these methods, incorporation in the polymer matrix is commonly used and the most effective as it enhances the potential of the respective barrier coatings and mechanical properties. Various corrosion analysis methods like EIS and potentiodynamic polarization studies in thin film coatings are discussed in this chapter. Epoxy medium is generally reinforced with MOFs for corrosion protection applications, improving the coating’s mechanical strength, adhesion property, barrier protection, and stability. All these factors make MOFs ideal for both real-time applications and research purpose. The different methods of preparation of the MOFs, their application methods and examples, limitations and possible rectifications, and corrosion inhibition mechanisms are discussed in this chapter.
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Key words
corrosion protection,coating,mofs-based,metal-organic
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