Climate-Smart Agriculture in China: Current Status and Future Perspectives

Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa(2023)

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China’s agriculture and rural areas have actively responded to climate change and made great progress in coordinated GHG mitigation, pollution reduction, green expansion, and economic growth. At present, China has achieved basic self-sufficiency in cereals and absolute grain supply security. In recent years, China’s grain output and agricultural carbon emissions have begun to decouple, and the carbon footprint of major agricultural products shows a downward trend. This chapter lists key carbon sequestration and climate change adaptation technologies in agriculture and rural areas. A technological model for rice field straw biochar sequestration is proposed for improving soil quality and carbon sequestration. Climate change risk mapping is integrated into rural development and benefits in climate change risk management, ecological agriculture value enhancement, and low-carbon community construction have been achieved. However, the agricultural system transformation still faces some challenges, including: (1) agricultural production technology needs to be improved, (2) infrastructure disaster response capacity is weak, and (3) transformation of agricultural science and technology is slow. Future perspectives highlight three aspects to improve climate resilience: agricultural disaster warning system construction, and modern agricultural technology application in farming practice and the breeding industry, from food production to food supply.
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