Phospholipases: Insights into the potential role of cell death

Chandrashekar Naveenkumar,Pandi Anandakumar

Elsevier eBooks(2023)

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Phospholipases form a diversified class of enzymes that are involved in the hydrolysis of phospholipids. Phospholipases may differ structurally and functionally, depending on their ability to metabolize phospholipids. Phospholipases may be broadly classified into phospholipase A (PLA), phospholipase B (PLB), phospholipase C (PLC), and phospholipase D (PLD). The hydrolytic products of phospholipids, such as phosphatidic acid, diacylglycerol, etc., are considered to be biologically important signaling molecules. These signaling factors can regulate cellular processes like cytoskeletal dynamics, growth, homeostasis, membrane remodeling, nutrient acquisition, secretion, signal transduction, and stress tolerance. In this review, the potential role of phospholipases on cell death has been discussed.
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phospholipases,cell death
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