Time-resolved crystallography of boric acid binding to the active site serine of the β-lactamase CTX-M-14 and subsequent 1,2-diol esterification

Christian Betzel, Andreas Prester,Markus Perbandt, M. Galchenkova, D. Oberthüer, N. Werner,Alessandra Henkel, Julia Maracke, Oleksandr Yefanov,Johanna Hakanpää,Guillaume Pompidor,Jan Meyer,Henry N. Chapman,Martin Aepfelbacher, W. Hinrichs,Holger Rohde

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract β-lactamase inhibitors are central in overcoming emerging antibiotic resistance, and boronate-based β-lactamase inhibitors were just recently approved to treat multidrug-resistant bacteria. Using boric acid as a simplified inhibitor model, time-resolved serial crystallography was employed to obtain mechanistic insights into binding to the active site serine of β-lactamase CTX M 14, identifying a reaction time frame of 80 – 100 ms. In a next step, the subsequent 1,2-diol boric ester formation with glycerol in the active site was monitored proceeding in a time frame of 100 – 250 ms. Furthermore, the displacement of the crucial anion in the active site of the β-lactamase was verified as an essential part of the binding mechanism of substrates and inhibitors. In total, 22 datasets of β lactamase intermediate complexes with high spatial resolution of 1.40 – 2.04 Å and high temporal resolution range of 50 – 10000 ms were obtained, allowing a detailed analysis of the studied processes. Mechanistic details captured here contribute to the understanding of the recently developed class of boronate-based β lactamase inhibitors.
crystallography,boric acid,serine,time-resolved
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