First Romanian Tele-Echography Network - Preliminary Results

Carmen D. Nicolau, Bogdan Cormos, Luiza Enache, Adrian Tarta, Remus Sipos,Adrian Saftoiu

Romanian Journal of Military Medicine(2023)

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The evolution of society, the development of the Internet, and the increased need for medical services generated the emergence of telemedicine. The visual and auditory connection between the doctor and the patient allowed good communication, but the limitation of the clinical examination remained a problem. Tele-echography complements tele-consults and brings valuable information in many specialties. Our study is conducted on data obtained by organizing the first network of telemedicine with tele-echography in the country. The ultrasound examinations targeted only the abdomen, but the structure also allows teleechocardiography as well as the extension to other services at distance. The purpose of the study is to objectively assess the ability of tele-echography to complete the teleconsultation with information on which we can rely. The national tele-echography network was created by distributing 40 tele-echographs in the country, one in each county, in the family doctors' offices. The obtained data were analyzed statistically. The study shows that tele-echography can be performed with very good accuracy in synchronous mode but low in asynchronous mode, which required re-examination or resumption of examination in the reference medical center. The widespread use of tele-echography associated with teleconsultations can have favorable consequences on the medical act, the quality of life of the patients and the doctors, and society by reducing pollution and urban agglomerations.
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Key words
tele-echography,teleconsultation,abdominal echography
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