An unsupervised aerial tracking method of camouflaged targets in complex environments

Journal of physics(2023)

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With the widespread use of UAVs and the development of various technologies related to computer vision, much attention has been devoted to UAV-based target tracking. For the task of tracking camouflaged people in complex environments, there is a shortage of annotated datasets and poor backbone feature extraction network capabilities, which will cause tracking drift and tracking lag. To achieve unsupervised UAV target tracking under unsupervised conditions, a new target tracking model has been designed. First, we roughly detect moving targets using a camouflaged segmentation network, and then apply dynamic programming to generate smooth candidate boxes. Secondly, a deeper convolutional neural network is designed for feature extraction to replace the original backbone network, and the residual structure is modified to ensure tracking effectiveness. Extensive comparative experiments have shown that the proposed unsupervised method performs the task of UAV target tracking well.
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unsupervised aerial tracking method,targets
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