Hearing rehabilitation with the Osia system after repeated tympanoplasty and radical cavity

Eva Goldberg‐Bockhorn, Julia Hempe, Julia Lingl,Benjamin Emmanuel, Anna-Katharina Rohlfs,ThomasK. Hoffmann, Carolin Schwamborn


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The hearing rehabilitation after middle ear surgery for the treatment of chronic middle ear diseases is often not satisfying. Hearing restoration by passive hearing implants is frequently insufficient and conventional hearing aids lead to recurring local problems. Bone conduction implants can be a good solution. The results after Osia implantation of 15 patients with mixed (9) and conductive (6) hearing loss after middle ear surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Patients’ age ranged between 7 and 80 years (median 25, mean 34+/-20). Follow-up was 3 to 18 months. Nearly all patients performed pre-operative audiometry with bone conduction hearing aids. Data was analyzed with regard to the audiological results and the complication rate. The pre-operative testing with bone conduction hearing aids revealed a good hearing improvement in all cases. 5 patients underwent second look or revision surgery during the implantation. The post-operative hearing thresholds remained stable. The mean speech perception in quiet with the Osia was nearly 80% at 65dB and 95% at 80dB and was therefore clearly above the unaided (15% and 35%) and alternative situation with the test devices (65% und 85%). Speech in noise testing (OLSA) revealed an obvious improvement, too. Complications were not recorded during or after the operation. Osia implantation after multiple tympanoplasties and creation of radical cavities is a low-risk option for hearing rehabilitation with very satisfying audiological and cosmetical results.
osia system,rehabilitation
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